University of Iowa college credit

Across the University of Iowa, innovation and entrepreneurship are acknowledged as crucial to young people's future success. That's why the university's Jacobson Institute and the Tippie College of Business have partnered to offer high school students college credit. Students who qualify can earn three transferable college credits. Demonstrate you have the 21st Century Skills and knowledge to succeed in the future. 


  • Students: High school students may qualify for college credit if they complete a course with a STEM Innovator® certified instructor. Students are eligible with the successful completion of a STEM Innovator® portfolio and proficiency exam. Those who pass are eligible for three University of Iowa ENTR:1030 STEM Innovator credits for a reduced course fee of $150 from the John Pappajohn Entrepreneurial Center, a part of the Tippie College of Business.

  • Teachers: Must be STEM Innovator® certified or co-teach with a STEM Innovator® certified instructor, and have an active STEM Innovator® Portfolio license to submit student materials for college credit consideration.

Earning the STEM Innovator® credits is a significant achievement of which students, educators, families, and community partners can be proud. Only select students earn this opportunity, and the top 10% of national finishers are named STEM Innovator® Scholars. Congratulations to all the students who achieved this honor!

Benefits of Obtaining College Credit

There are many reasons why earning college credit for STEM Innovator® is beneficial. These include:

  • Sense of Achievement: An official transcript from the University of Iowa, a Tier 1 research institution, demonstrates the student's ability to successfully complete college-level work while in high school.

  • Set Yourself Apart: Credits can help a student stand out during college admissions decisions, scholarship applications, and job and internship interviews.

  • Credits Transfer to Institutions Across the Country: Most colleges and universities accept the credits (unlike community college credits, which are transferable to in-state institutions only); this expands your out-of-state institution options and may reduce a student's college course load and tuition dollars spent.

College Credit FAQ

What course will high school students receive credit for?

University of Iowa College of Business STEM Innovator course

How do we order a transcript?

When your student is ready to apply to colleges, a copy of the University of Iowa transcript can be requested from the Registrar’s Office at

What does the transcript say?

The student will receive a grade of “S” for satisfactory, equivalent to a C or higher letter grade, and earn three credits. The grade of “S” does not affect the student’s college or university GPA.

How long does it take to get a transcript?

Once the student completes the form and payment, the University of Iowa Office of the Registrar will process their enrollment. University of Iowa transcripts are processed November 25, April 25 and July 25. Transcripts become available 1-2 months later. For example, if you purchase the credits in January, they won’t be applied to a transcript until April, and you can request a copy beginning in June. You can order the transcript online at

How does the student (or parent) transfer credits to other colleges?

Student information will be processed by admissions three times per school year (Nov. 1, April 1, and June 30) dependent upon the form and payment submission date. Transcripts will be ready to order in Jan., June, and Sept. respectively. Ordering a transcript before the student is processed will result in a blank document and will require you to reorder. To ensure this does not happen follow the guidelines below.

  • Form and payment submitted July 1 – Oct 31: Student information will be processed by admissions November 25 and transcript will be ready to order in Jan.

  • Form and payment submitted Nov 1 – May 30: Student information will be processed by admissions April 25 and transcript will be ready to order in June.

  • Form and payment submitted April 1 – June 30: Student information will be processed by admissions July 25 and transcript will be ready to order in Sept.

When transcripts are ready, a follow-up email will come from with instructions on how to order a copy from the University of Iowa Registrar's Office. The Jacobson Institute does not provide transcripts.

Next steps

Qualified students may obtain the college credits by submitting an application form and payment to the University of Iowa.