BizInnovator Startup Instructors: Please complete the pretest exam scheduling form below. Our preference is that you schedule your pretest exam one week in advance of the test time. If you are scheduling your pretest exam with less than one week notice, please contact to let us know. Once the pretest exam is scheduled, you will receive information to forward to your students so that they are able to "enroll" and take the online pretest exam via the University of Iowa's Canvas platform. The pretest exam is 50 minutes.
Note: The sooner you can have your students enroll in the pretest exam, the better. It is not advised that students enroll directly before the pretest, as they will need time to get enrolled, verify their email on Canvas, and potentially troubleshoot any school email filters that may be in place.
Please contact if you have questions, concerns or special circumstances.
Please complete and submit the following form to request an online BizInnovator Startup pretest exam for your students. Note: requests should be submitted at least one week prior to the test date.