Main navigation
Our sponsors
Coralville Hy-Vee
Derek Larson + MUFG Union Bank
DLR Group
Heyn's Ice Cream
Hills Bank and Trust Company
Iowa Biotech Association
Iowa City Area Chamber of Commerce
Iowa City Area Development Group
Marion Chamber of Commerce
Marion Economic Development Corp.
Molly's Cupcakes
NewBo City Market
Toyota Financial Services
Valley Junction Farmers Market

Our partners
Amy J Therapy
Anatolia College, Greece
Archer Daniels Midland
Association for Career and Technical Education
Association of Business and Industry
Austin Marketing
Big Behr Marketing
CESAG Business School, Senegal
Clear Creek Amana CSD
Council for International Visitors to Iowa Cities (CIVIC)
EDC Accelerating Iowa Business
Epiphany Marketing
Global Consortium of Entrepreneurship Centers
Higher Learning Technologies
ICR Iowa
Iowa Association of Business and Industry -- Business Horizons
Iowa Business Educators Association
Iowa Career and Technical Education Association
Iowa City CSD
Iowa City Farmers Market
Iowa Dept. of Education Entrepreneurship Business Program Management Committee
Iowa Governor's STEM Advisory Council
Iowa STEM Hub - Southeast
Jay Cooper: Freelance Media Producer
Jones County KCC Regional Center
Junior Achievement of Eastern Iowa
Kirkwood Regional Center at the University of Iowa
Linn County KCC Regional Center
Mandela Washington Fellows
Marion Independent SD
Mercy Foundation
MetaCommunications, Inc.
Miami Dade Public Schools
Michael’s Craft Store
National Advanced Driving Simulator
National Invention Convention and Entrepreneurship Expo
Nolte Dance Company
OTB Marketing
Project Lead the Way - UI College of Engineering
Renee’s Ceramic Café
Sculpt Marketing
Smith Ventures
Startup Genius
STEMIE Coalition National Steering Committee
Tippie College of Business - Executive Education Programs
U.S. Association for Small Business and Entrepreneurship
U.S. Patent & Trademark Office
UI College of Education
UI College of Engineering
UI International Center for Gifted and Talented Education
UI Speakers Bureau
Unity Point Health
Waukee APEX Advisory Board
Workplace Learning Connection
Young African Leaders Initiative (YALI)